Phone: 0855-32-3260

Tuition support

Rehabilitation College Shimane has various systems in place to help eliminate worries about tuition fees and allow you to focus on your studies.
This is a system that can be used with peace of mind, unique to our school, without having to worry about finding a job.

1. Virtually free admission fee system
This system is aimed at new students, and the full amount of the enrollment fee will be refunded after enrollment.

2. Scholarship Program
Students who achieve excellent grades after enrollment will be exempted from paying 300,000 yen in tuition fees for the second semester as scholarship students. Students are selected every year for each academic year, with first-year scholarship students being selected based on their academic performance in the first semester of their first year, and second-year students being selected based on their academic performance in the previous year. If students maintain good grades, they will be exempted from a maximum of 1.2 million yen over four years.

3. Free clinical training fee system (student fee: 0 yen)
Previously, a set amount was collected as clinical training fees in the third and fourth years (150,000 yen for the Department of Physical Therapy and Department of Speech and Hearing Therapy, and 180,000 yen for the Department of Occupational Therapy) but thanks to a subsidy from Hamada City, the cost has been free for students since 2015. In addition, the school covers the commission fees paid to the training facility and the insurance premiums for liability insurance during the training.

4. Family Discount System
If you meet any of the following conditions and enroll in our school, the first semester tuition fee for your first year (normally 750,000 yen) will be reduced by 250,000 yen to 500,000 yen.
1. If your sibling or spouse is enrolled at our school at the time of enrollment
2. If your sibling or spouse graduated from our school
3. When members of the same family enroll in our school at the same time (one member will be exempted from tuition fees)

5. Other scholarship systems
Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)
◆ Support system for higher education (tuition reduction and exemption and grant-type scholarships)

For more information about the system, please visit the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology website.

*Clicking the link above will link you to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology website.

◆Type 1 Scholarship (Interest-free)
Applicants must have a grade point average of 3.5 or higher from the first year of high school or vocational school to the time of application. Selection will also be made taking into consideration household income standards.

Example of monthly loan amount and repayment
Monthly loan amount: yen (loan period)Total loan amount: yenMonthly repayment amount: YenNumber of returns: times (years)
Commuting from home
53,000 (48 months)
Commuting to school outside of home
60,000 (48 months)

*For those commuting from home, you can choose from monthly fees of 20,000 yen, 30,000 yen, 40,000 yen, or 53,000 yen.
*If you commute away from home, you can choose from monthly fees of 20,000 yen, 30,000 yen, 40,000 yen, 50,000 yen, or 60,000 yen.

◆ Type 2 Scholarship (interest-bearing)
Those who are recognized as having above average academic performance at their alma mater or current school. Selection will also be made taking into consideration household income standards.

Assuming an interest rate of 3.0% (※ Loan amount can be freely selected from 30,000 yen, 50,000 yen, 80,000 yen, 100,000 yen, and 120,000 yen)
Monthly loan amount: yen (loan period)Total loan amount: yenMonthly repayment amount: YenNumber of returns: times (years)
30,000 (48 months)1,440,00011,293156(13)
50,000 (48 months)2,400,00016,769180(15)
80,000 (48 months)3,840,00021,531240(20)
100,000 (48 months)4,800,00026,914240(20)
120,000 (48 months)5,760,00032,297240(20)

*The monthly loan amount can be freely selected in increments of 10,000 yen from 20,000 yen to 120,000 yen.

For further information, please contact the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO).
TEL: 0570-666-301

Prefectural scholarship system

Scholarship programs provided by various medical institutions

6. Affiliated Education Loan
The application process is simple and can be done online. School fees (admission fee, tuition, etc.) will be transferred directly to the school.
For details, please contact the affiliated credit company.

Orico Tuition Support Plan
Orient Corporation (Tuition Support Desk)
School code: 14858450 Application code: 0418
TEL: 0120-517-325

JACCS Education Loan
JACCS Co., Ltd. (Consumer Desk)
TEL: 0120-338-817
Click here for details

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